La Tuna

This cactus is also abundant all the year, in the andean valleys also in dry areas (from sea level up to 3700m). The fruit come in a varieties or at different stages of maturaty but the colour depends on where the cactus growe and the types of minerals in the soil. The most commom colour is yellow, The leaf of the cuctus is also used as a laxative for people in the high valleys. Tuna cactus have small animals (parasite) named COCHINILLA, in 90s the local people started to infected the Tuna plans with these pigmments, at the present time they sell it to the exporting company to produce painting for nails and lips. in time of the Incas they used it combining with different mineral and vegetal oxides, thus obtained much variety of colors, that painted their instruments of wars, textiles, ceramics, their faces in special ceremonies and many other daily representations that until today we can appreciate in the museums.
El Mague

This cactus is abundant in the Andes(3000 - 3800m) and is widly used by the people for a variety of thing. The insides of the cactus can be stripped and the fibers on the inside can be used t make rope. The Mague flowers once a year and the stem of the flower when dried is hollow and very strong, in some places the people used it for the rafters in the houses and frame work generally. The Mague has yellow and orange flowersand just one time per year.
El Molle

This is medicinal tree, the fresh green leaf are used for an insect repelliant. The juice between the leaf and the stem is used for cuts and has a fast healing agent. The seeds are red colour (peper size) some communities used to do sweet and very tasty drink in special festivities. The Molle is very common tree to make firewood and grows in coast untill the half Andes.
La Jatipa

Is tipycal plant of green season (Dec - March) in andean valleys (2000 - 3000m). It has a milk inside the stark which is milky to llok apun but is quite asidic. It is not dangerouseon yhe skin but in the eye it is potentially harmul. This plant produce orange flowers after the rain season and the rest of the year is completly dry, some times is possible to apreciate huge jungle of flowers on the slops of the mountains.
Los Cojones Del Diablo

The name of this plant means "balls of the devil", adiquitly named this plant has a small fruit that is green and spikly, it is used within the area of medican by the most knowledgeable in the andes and has hulisingenic qualities. When not used correctly it can be potentially dangerous. This plant are in the reany season only and has white flowers.
El Rupo

An other small plant of the rain season, has purple flowers, grown between sea level up to 3000m. With a deliciouse small when rubbed between fingers. Used for infusions.
La Jaccana

One of the many kind of cactus grows between the coast and tha half Andes of Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and Colombia. Has a sweet fruit, similar to the Tuna fruit, the product is one time per year after every rain season, is a big cactus (6 meter high) favorite cuctus for the small birds to make nest.

Small cactus grows at the half of the Andes (2000 - 3200m), has purple flowers once a year similar to the Mague. A favorite with Humming birds.
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